Sunday, April 30, 2006

Steven Colbert Wins the Day

Colbert was somehow granted an opportunity to speak (for about 20 minutes!) at the White House Press Corps Dinner... and absolutely rocked the mic. The President was not only in attendance, but was seated about 10 feet away from him, and Colbert didn't back down. The man's got balls of steel, y'all. Practically everything he said was simultaneously brutal and hilarious. The audience was seriously nervous - but still laughing. It was awesome. I followed a link Boing-Boing to watch the entire video... you've got to see it.

And hey, if it gets you in the mood for this sort of thing, why not rewatch Jon Stewart's inspired appearance on Crossfire?

Friday, April 28, 2006

big ol' people

I came across an interesting link the other day on fark; it's a gallery (in russian haha) for this artist, Ron Mueck. He sculpts hyper-realistic people.. which we've all seen before - usually, hyper realism is cool for about five minutes in a gimmicky sort of way, but once the awe over sheer technical skill wears off, this sort of art often loses it's appeal to me. I would lump this stuff in with photorealism in painting; if it's so perfect, exact, and dehumanized that it looks just like the original photo, then it might as well be a photo and there's not much point in making a painting or a sculpture. This guy, however, is making me think twice.

Not only are his subjects really interesting characters to begin with, as opposed to a lot of the bland, 'everyday people' hyperreal sculpture I've seen out there, but he flips the script on you with the scale issue. Some of these people are freaking giants, and some of them are downright gnomey. And when you toss in the mad science this guy has with the realism factor, it's disconcerting to say the least. I really like this stuff - I bet it's amazing in person. Here are a few links: the russian gallery, wikipedia, flickr

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Yeah, but what about the OTHER guy I look like...

Everyone knows and everyone tells me that I look like "the guy from Iron & Wine," but lately I've been getting a new one. The other day, one of my film industry colleagues mentioned that I bear a bit of a resemblance to the dude in the new Fiona Apple video. I hadn't seen it, sorry... so she showed me on teh internets (it's really awesome, by the way, you should totally watch it) and it turns out that the guy is my newest doppleganger, Zach Galifianakis.

This actually isn't the first time I've been compared and/or contrasted to the Z-man. I've heard it a few times. I know it could be the beard. In fact, it probably is the beard, mainly. But let's also consider the razor-sharp wit. That's probably not a coincidence.

I must say, now that I think about it, that I'm proud to be included in the Sam Beam/Zach Galifianakis Beard-Mystery Club. Mr. & Wine is setting a fine example for all of us aspiring folksters looking to quietly rock the socks off some junebugs, and Z-Gal is a bad-ass in his own right - for one thing, he fuckin hangs out with Sarah Silverman, Fiona Apple, and Carrot Top. So yeah, cool. The captions in his "photos" section of his website are pretty funny, too.

Oh, lest I forget - also in the club: Doug Martsch. He has the same model beard as Holden and me. We told him once, after his solo set at the 40 Watt and he was like, "Dudes, it's like lookin' in a fuckin' mirror." Nice guy. I'm thinking about making a "Beard Mystery Club" T-shirt with that quote. It could be our motto.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

The B could also be for Book

Newsflash! I'm starting a new project. As many of you know, I have this thing for documentation/archiving/preservation/capturing-of-fleeting-moments. Evidence for this impulse of mine can be seen in my flickr sets of my entire polaroid collection*, my paintings, my post-it note drawings*, my aesthetic-phonetic project*, and maybe eventually my collection of ticket stubs for practically every movie I've seen in the past 10 years. I know, that's a little weird. But I like to collect things, and I especially like to archive and organize and document and preserve for posterity. I think it might be great one day to be able to show my kids what I was into and doing and creating from a young age onward... and in the meantime, my family and friends, too. My thinking is that if I continue to preserve these things, hopefully I can create a sort of seamless continuum that can connect my young self to my slightly older self, to my early adult self, to my middle aged self, to my retiree self, to my rickety old man self, and explain how each of those selves transitioned from one to the next. It's interesting to me, at least, as a kind of ongoing, neverending experiment.

So along those lines, when I was sixteen, I started keeping a "serious" sketchbook. I had sketchbooks before this, but they were mostly drawings of spaceships, airplanes, racecars, and teenage mutant ninja turtles. But when I started getting interested in creating real art for the first time, I was advised by my art teachers to buy a hard-bound blank-page sketchbook, and draw in it frequently, and keep it to look at later. So I did this... and I've been doing it ever since.

I really jumped on the sketchbook train. I loved the concept of it. I brought it with me everywhere. I drew in it at summer camp, at the beach, at school during PE, at home on the trampoline in the backyard, in planes, and at work. Early on, I made it clear to my friends (also burgeoning artists) that they were not only welcome, but encouraged to draw or write anything they felt like any time they wanted to in my sketchbooks. Sometimes I had more than one book going, but usually, the drawings and the books were completed chronologically, and I saved them all.

So in effect, these books became a pretty vivid document of my life from age 16 til now. I can look at certain pages and recall where I was and what was happening in detail - like the completely abstract elaborate scribbling in book 2 or 3 that I did at like 4 am when I was drunk at a fishing camp with my Baton Rouge friends waiting for a honey-soaked cigarette to come out of the oven (an experiment which failed dramatically). Or the drawing of the inside of the staff cottage at Camp Beckwith that I made during a particularly mellow rest-time after lunch with my swim shorts still wet from sailing - I remember the air conditioner was on too high and it was chilly. I know that this is pretty personal stuff that the average viewer wouldn't have any way of picking up on. But with my commentary, there's a pretty rich history of me and my friends in these books. And of course, there are other pages that certain people in the world would probably have a certain connection to and might like to see. Naturally, a lot of the drawings are bad, or meaningless, or uninteresting. But there are a few good ones, and a few that can be accompanied by good stories, and a few that are just funny.

So here's the project: I, Charlie B. Spaht, full of pretty good intentions, an ambition seasoned with a little bit of hubris, and a curiosity to see what'll happen if I do it, propose to create a new "blog" in which I will post scans of every page of my "serious" sketchbooks, in the order that they were created, starting with book #1 (which begins in December '96,) without skipping pages no matter how embarassing, one page per day, with commentary when relevant, until I reach the present day, at which point I guess I'll keep going, but maybe not once a day. In addition, at the point of completion for each book, I'll create a flickr set for easier reference (and organization).

I think this should be an interesting experiment. It should satisfy my need to collect and document my work, possibly explain a few things about what makes me tick, and at the least, provide a momentary diversion every day or so for a few of you.

So, if you're so inclined, check it, don't wreck it; and feel free to bookmark it:

p.s. this blog isn't going away - I'll still be posting non-sketchbook-related items here. just sayin. don't forget about 'dre.

UPDATE: 6/28/06
SKETCHBOOK #1 on Flickr

UPDATE: 10/05/06
SKETCHBOOK #2 on Flickr

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Speaking of Post-Its

I just scanned a new batch of extra-fine post-it note artwork. I do these mostly at work, where post-it pads abound. I am actually pretty busy most of the day answering phones, copying and collating scripts, and restocking the refrigerator, but I inevitably find five minutes here and there for me to help a little drawing out into the world. I started putting these up on my wall next to where I sit to "personalize my space" but then I took 'em down to scan, so now my area's boring again. anyway, check it don't wreck it ~~~~

Good Friday was Wonderful

Ian, Bill, Puma and I hosted a cookout in honor of the arrival of springtime this past friday, and The Wonderful decided to seize the opportunity to put on our first-ever show. We figured it would be a low key thing, with just our friends, so we wouldn't be too nervous.

While Ian manned the grill, we set up our gear in the backyard on that weird concrete thing that might have been a chimney foundation or a firepit at one time. We borrowed Puma's friend Mark's PA speakers, set up some good ol' tiki torches, and strategically placed a milk-crate of noisemakers on a blanket in front of the "stage" to allow for audience participation. Once everything was in place, we attempted a semi-successful sound check, then got busy on some beer and burgers.

Soon, magic-hour (eight o'clock,) was upon us, and we started our set. It went surprisingly well, especially considering the fact that Zach didn't have a monitor and later said that he couldn't really hear anything we were doing. Evidently, though, no one really noticed. Or at least they were polite and said they didn't. Either way, we had a good time playing, and I don't think we effed up very much or very often, and afterwards a few people told me that they liked it, so overall, I'm gonna go ahead and call it a win.

After we played, Puma and Jin got up and did a few impromptu numbers, and they sounded great. I had just been wishing (while playing) that I could be in the audience to see and hear what it was like, and then sure enough I got my chance. While they were doing their thing, I have to say that I was really enjoying the moment - still a little dusky but getting dark, a cold beer in hand, friends around, and spring/summer just beginning.

That is to say, it was nice. Thanks to all y'all who made it out, and for those who didn't, we'll hopefully be scheduling more shows soon. I know we already have one possibly in the works - a house show on saturday the 29th - that we'll hopefully confirm or deny shortly.

the collector's item of the night - a genuine setlist, on a post-it, from The Wonderful's first live performance ever.

extra special bonus - a genuine grocery list I had in my pocket which i must admit, had me a little worried for a second when we were about to start playing.

Here are a few photos from the evening.

update 4/19: the show on the 29th will not be happening - but we're putting other things in motion. things like magic spells.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Leprechauns and M&Ms

Christa sent me these video links. i sure liked them. you sure will too.

My dad didn't mention anything about it, but apparently, there was a leprechaun sighting in Mobile, Alabama around St. Patrick's Day. It sounds crazy, but I don't know, man, these people really believe it. You should see the conviction in their eyes when they tell you "to me it looked like a leprechaun to me." and the amateur sketch is so lifelike... you just can't make this stuff up. shit, it even got on the news, so you know it's not fantasy... it gotta be for real. Here's the news clip: leprechaun in the hood.

and here's a remix video. frankly, I don't see the humor in making light of these people's traumatic encounter with a supernatural creature, but I guess some folks just don't have any consideration for other people's feelings. gosh.

Speaking of hilarious comedy at other people's expense: here is a hidden camera video showing what happens when a tourette's syndrome patient wakes up to discover a life-size M&M manequin standing next to his bed. Supposedly it was an "experiment" set up by his "psychiatrist." "crazy."

thanks, christa.

update: so right after I posted, I noticed the logo for "" in that last video. I checked it out, and there are a whole bunch more clips of the dude cussing and saying really strange things... but my impression now is that I think it might be fake. It's hard to say for sure, but it seems a little too funny to not be staged. However, the operative word there is funny. I can confirm that the other videos I looked at on the site are indeed pretty great. if he's an actor, he's got a good thing going. if it's the real deal, well... it just got weirder. but either way, we can enjoy it, so whatev.

another update: haha i didn't realize that christa had already posted all this stuff on her blog a couple of days ago. whoops. sorry to anyone who looks at both of our pages. but it is kind of awesome that we both independantly captured the same frame of the video with that beautiful drawing.