Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Every Po Ever Laroided (Thusfar)

well y'all, I've finally finished the daunting and slightly illogical task of scanning my entire polaroid collection (to date - the hotel party is at the end of the set) and it's online for your viewing pleasure. I've been a polaroid fanatic for a while now, and my photos go back to about 1999 when I got my camera. of course, since the film is expensive, the subject matter/times depicted tends to progress in leaps. whenever I could afford to buy a pack of film, it would usually be shot up all at once, and then I wouldn't shoot anything else for a while. so I guess these 374 snapshots probably represent somewhere around 40 or 50 specific days or nights sliced out of the past 6 years. interesting. (to me, at least.) (and probably to some of you, too.) I'm gonna go ahead and say that I'm planning to keep the flickr photoset updated as I shoot more pictures. we'll see if that really happens. but I did score a bunch of free film from the Toby Keith movie, and my dad says he has some packs of film for me from the FBI storage closet. so i've got no excuse to not keep it up. if you see me taking pictures, remind me to keep the ball rollin with the scannin. then everyone can have 'em, and the world will rejoice and be as one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do I make them bigger? Is such a thing possible. Also, way to go.

8:38 PM  
Blogger Charlie B. said...

click on the link to the flickr page (where it says "my entire polaroid collection" in blue), and then when you click a picture, there's an option on the right to "view different sizes". jambo.

6:29 PM  

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