Wednesday, October 26, 2005

This Big Dog'll Fight When You Rattle His Caaaage

As most of you know, I've been working for the Angel From Montgomery film production as a driver for Toby Keith and his gang. The production was featured on the local news this afternoon, and since I usually don't have anything better to do, they asked me to go home and tape it. Then, on my own, I figured I'd digitize it and upload it since I love Google Video so much. It's really just so I can give my mom the link. She'll be impressed. Here it is.

So Doggone Electric

A while back, Holden shot a bunch of short video clips of his old roommate's dogs in their backyard with his digital camera. I edited them to the song So Electric, from Boulevard's recent e.p. Vice & Daring. It's kind of funny, so I put it online here for y'all to check it.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The Clock of the Long Now

This project is pretty awe-inspiring -- This guy, Danny Hillis, and his team have created a design (and two prototypes so far) for a "clock" that will run for 10,000 years. The final version will be over 60 feet tall and embedded 10,000 feet up the side of a mountain in Nevada. It will display the time in several different modes, including the positions of the planets in orbit around the sun. It's essentially a digital clock, but it works mechanically (using pins in or out) to represent ones and zeroes. It was named by none other than Brian Eno. This is one of the most impressive and well thought out ideas I've heard of in a really long time, and I like it. The concept of creating a monument on this scale (physically, symbollically, and temporally) is something I'd like to see more of. Let's build us some pyramids! Here are links: the Discover Article, the Project's website, and a page about the 1st prototype.

Good Times at the G.P.

Recently had some good drinkin' fun at the Gravity Pub. Here's some flickr photos from Christa's camera.