Thursday, April 27, 2006

Yeah, but what about the OTHER guy I look like...

Everyone knows and everyone tells me that I look like "the guy from Iron & Wine," but lately I've been getting a new one. The other day, one of my film industry colleagues mentioned that I bear a bit of a resemblance to the dude in the new Fiona Apple video. I hadn't seen it, sorry... so she showed me on teh internets (it's really awesome, by the way, you should totally watch it) and it turns out that the guy is my newest doppleganger, Zach Galifianakis.

This actually isn't the first time I've been compared and/or contrasted to the Z-man. I've heard it a few times. I know it could be the beard. In fact, it probably is the beard, mainly. But let's also consider the razor-sharp wit. That's probably not a coincidence.

I must say, now that I think about it, that I'm proud to be included in the Sam Beam/Zach Galifianakis Beard-Mystery Club. Mr. & Wine is setting a fine example for all of us aspiring folksters looking to quietly rock the socks off some junebugs, and Z-Gal is a bad-ass in his own right - for one thing, he fuckin hangs out with Sarah Silverman, Fiona Apple, and Carrot Top. So yeah, cool. The captions in his "photos" section of his website are pretty funny, too.

Oh, lest I forget - also in the club: Doug Martsch. He has the same model beard as Holden and me. We told him once, after his solo set at the 40 Watt and he was like, "Dudes, it's like lookin' in a fuckin' mirror." Nice guy. I'm thinking about making a "Beard Mystery Club" T-shirt with that quote. It could be our motto.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And a young Santa Claus.

6:35 PM  

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