fffffffffffffffffffshit.... oh my god...
this is simultaneously really funny and kinda sad:
This and That, Et Cetera, Everything, Everyone
It's simple, really. People look foolish when posing for a picture. So tell your loved ones you would like to take their photo... then secretly videotape them the whole time.That's it in a nutshell. It's a bunch of videos of people who think they're posing for a picture. It's hilarious. She posts a lot of videos of her coworkers at MadTV and her family members, but she also takes submissions. So far I've submitted five videos. I don't know if she'll put 'em up, but I'll link mine below so y'all can see. It's a really fun joke to pull on your friends, so I imagine I'll be doing more soon, and I'll post them here... at least until I run out of unsuspecting friends.