P.S. Page Me Later
I found Found Magazine's website. It's wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. I wish I still had the amazing note that was left on my car by some Savannah vandals after they wrecked the deer skull I had attached to my bumper. It was hilarious. I can't remember what it said exactly, but I loved it and I saved it, but it's vanished by now into the ether. Maybe it'll turn up again one day and I'll send it in to Found Mag. Here's what they're all about:
This is my favorite one for today:

By the way, we lucky Atlantans can pick up the yearly paper version of the magazine at Criminal Records... Just so you know. I'm gonna be looking for it.
God, i love this stuff.
We collect found stuff: love letters, birthday cards, kids' homework, to-do lists, ticket stubs, poetry on napkins, doodles- anything that gives a glimpse into someone else's life. Anything goes.You should read the rest of the about page... the note that started it all is pretty great... and then check out some of the finds, complete with brief explanations of the context in which they were discovered.
We certainly didn't invent the idea of found stuff being cool. Every time we visit our friends in other towns, someone's always got some kind of unbelievable discovered note or photo on their fridge. We decided to make a bunch of projects so that everyone can check out all the strange, hilarious and heartbreaking things people have picked up and passed our way.
This is my favorite one for today:

Ralph's Note
FOUND by Jennifer in New York, New York
I had been playing my music (which can get pretty odd at times) one night in my apartment. The next day, I woke up to a lot of sounds outside my door. I opened my door to see paramedics taking away my neighbor. He had died, apparently during the night.
By the way, we lucky Atlantans can pick up the yearly paper version of the magazine at Criminal Records... Just so you know. I'm gonna be looking for it.
God, i love this stuff.
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